
Playlists you can influence.

Are you longing to escape an echo chamber?

Want a place to go to experience actual diversity?

Looking for somewhere to broadcast to a wider audience?

Loose Audio combines less than 10min audios from Spotify together to create an hour long audio adventure.

If you would like to choose an audio, comment below with the spotify link you want included.

choose now!

Access the project here: LOOSE AUDIOS

LooseAudio 1.

LooseAudio 2
LooseAudio 3.
LooseAudio 4.
LooseAudio 5.
LooseAudio 6.
LooseAudio 7.
LooseAudio 8.
LooseAudio 9.
LooseAudio 10.
LooseAudio 11.
LooseAudio 12.
LooseAudio 13
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